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Xamarin.Android and MVVM Light bindings

This week we’ll have a look at how we can use the MVVM pattern on Xamarin.Android using the MVVM Light framework from Laurent Bugnion. Creating the View ...

Keeping your git log meaningful

In this blog post we will look at how we can merge multiple commits into a single one with the goal of reducing the chatter in a git log. This technique is...

F# unit testing with xUnit

In this post I want to look at how to get started with Unit Testing while developing F#. I’m usually writing my code in C# and prefer to write my code in a...

Book review: Building Microservices

During my day job I’m mainly involved in mobile applications which often (like in always…) have to communicate with a backend that provides data and other ...

MVVM Light bindings under Xamarin.iOS

In this weeks blog post lets look at how we can enable bindings with MVVM Light under iOS using a Storyboard with Xamarin. So lets create a simple applicatio...