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Getting fit with MAUI Reactor

MAUI Reactor is a code first, MVU style framework based on .NET MAUI that promises less ceremony when writing your apps. And I like the sound of that and sin...

Setting up Tailscale on your QNAP NAS

By discovering Tailscale, I finally found a solution for my QNAP NAS as a VPN gateway into my home network. I have a couple of devices at home that do not ...

Writing UI tests for .NET MAUI - POC

This blog post is part of the .NET MAUI UI July - be sure to check out the other blog posts. 🙂 Automated UI tests allow you to write tests that execute your...

Using Reactive UI in your .NET MAUI app

One of my favourite MVVM framework libraries for C# is Reactive UI. But is it ready for prime time when developing a .NET MAUI app? Spoiler: It is. So let’s ...

.NET MAUI Device Runner Unit Tests

Automated tests can be a great timesaver when developing any kind of application. Some pieces of code can be harder to test automatically since they require ...