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Xamarin.iOS 8 push notifications

With iOS 8+ the way you register for push notifications has changed a bit. So if you want your app to continue receiving push notifications on iOS 8 and ab...

Xamarin.Forms XAML Hello World

Writing cross platform native applications just got a lot easier with Xamarin.Forms. I really like the aspect of being able to write my UI in XAML. Though ...

C# cloning objects in a PCL

Usually when cloning an object in .Net I just use the Binary stream, this will automatically perform a deep copy of the object. But when writing code on th...

Sleep and Hyper-V on your Surface Pro 3

I got a Surface 3 Pro recently and I really love the fact that I can use it as a tablet and as a normal Laptop but am not bound to carrying two devices wit...

Enable PowerShell Scripts on Windows 8.1

When ever you want to automate some mundane work or setup steps on your Windows computer the word PowerShell seems to be starting to pop up. But before the f...